Ch 16 and 17

Plagiarism is using someone else’s work and claiming it as your own.  Plagiarism takes many forms.  It can be blatant copy and pasting, buying an essay online, or from a classmate, you can actually plagiarize yourself as well.  If you reuse an essay from another class, that counts as plagiarism as well and people in the writing industry have lost their jobs over doing so.  You can avoid plagiarism by allotting plenty of time to write your papers in advance.  Also I am nearly positive that not plagiarizing is common sense.  This was a topic I never quite understood.  Especially those who got caught not once, but twice or even more times than that.  I wondered if people were that oblivious or that ignorant.  I always write my own work, whether it is last minute or not.  I have a class where approximately thirty students from three sections all got caught with identical journals.  It seems likely that one of them wrote it and passed it around, except they found the same journal another student wrote for the same class last year.  The man who lost his job over plagiarizing himself did so in almost every single piece that he wrote.  His entire career was built on recycled papers.

Increasing Globalization is the spread of cultures across the globe in an almost uniform manner.  Not only do I think media helped increase globalization, I think the media was one of the front-running causes.  The ease of connecting across the globe has increased the need to learn other languages, and other nation’s way of communicating.  It has allowed countries to see other countries style of government and living.  As the world adopts democracy and English, the world is increasing in uniformity.  This is the very definition of Globalization.  This also concerns Sociologists who thrive on differences in culture as well as geographers who also thrive on the difference in places.  The argument is definitely there on whether or not Globalization is a positive or a negative.  There is no argument on one fact, the fact that Globalization is being escalated and transformed by the media.

Chapter 14 & 15

Media has affected my life in so many ways.  It is really hard to point out the most important affect that it has had this far.  I would have to say that the most important thing that media has done for me is allowed me to be much more connected with my friends and relatives across the country.  If it were not for the media I would not have known my cousin who lives up near Buffalo had so much snow.  We ended up calling up there and the phones were down.  They did manage to get in contact with us through email, and they were fine.  I have family that lives in California as well.  As many people know, California is enduring one of the worst droughts ever, and while my family is off living their lives we are able to keep tabs on their situation via the news.  Even I find this with my friends.  The Keene State College Pumpkin Fest made national headlines this fall as riots broke out in the street.  I have many friends from high school that attend school there and it was neat to monitor the destruction from the local news station that I have tabbed on my browser.  My friends were not involved in the riots and as they make arrests it is becoming more and more evident that the out of staters were the cause of the destruction and in particular, the University of Massachusetts at Amherst students were some of the main rioters.

In the information society my path will be that of absorption.  I will absorb the material I will be surrounded by.  Since it will literally be impossible not to contribute to information, I would most likely contribute through social media.  I plan on entering into Sales so to say that I would be adding to the media and to other news outlets would be thoroughly inaccurate.

Chapter 11 Homework

I belong to so many target markets.  Firstly I belong to one of the most targeted markets of all, that of eighteen to twenty-four year olds.  Collectively we are targeted by politicians, media, tourism, colleges, the military, job recruiters, I also receive emails from innumerable amounts of clothing stores and food places.  Never mind regular stores such as Target.  As an athlete I am also targeted for gear, for colleges before I committed, countless club teams and tournaments across the country.  As a female I get targeted by make up companies and hair companies.  I belong to more target markets than I can actually think of.  Unfortunately this perfect fit has led my email to get blown up, daily text messages, and even being mailed things twice a week.  These things drive some people, such as myself insane.  American Eagle for example, sends me each and every one of those previously mentioned things.  When I was home for Thanksgiving I received two pieces of mail, six emails, and four text messages.  All of this exposure surely helped wear down my phone battery each day and since we lost power for three days, I was even more disappointed.  I would prefer if they just emailed me.  I would also like to set a one a day maximum on the emails as well.  Having my phone get blown up while I am trying to spend time with my family whom I have not seen since August was not how I wanted to spend my holiday.

Chapter 6 homework

The history of radio illustrates how far it has come, all the obstacles it has overcome, and all the ways it gets manipulated.  Internet radio is already huge, but as we have all been told, is despised by recording artists who simply, do not get paid enough.  Commercially speaking, Internet radio is not doing anyone any favors except for the internet radio companies themselves.  Politically, other than ads playing in between songs, internet radio is not assisting politicians.  Artistically, other than depriving artists of their money, internet radio is providing consumers with a more personalized listening experience.   Podcasting was really big after the invention of the iPod, which before this class was the last tine I either listened to or made a podcast.  Unfortunately Podcasts are not popular with this generation so nothing will come of them.  I mostly think that internet radio and the commercials that accompany it are going to monopolize the market as far as exposure to political issues, commercial advertising, or artistic expression.  Ultimately this form of media is reaching far more views under twenty five than most other broadcasting mediums.  For example, at my own house, when we drive, my brother nor I use the radio.  We solely play pandora.  We can switch between genres, skip songs, and pretty much customize our experience.  This is essential to keeping viewers.  The consumers want everything to be customized.  That way they do not have to listen to songs that may annoy them or anything of that sort.

Broadcast radio is still an essential part of my everyday life, despite being old and outdated.  When I run out of data on my monthly phone plan, I am forced to resort to the regular old broadcast radio.  Personally, I do not like broadcast radio.  Broadcast radio only ever plays old music.  On top of that, they replay popular songs until you cannot stand them.  I personally feel that broadcast radio has ruined innumerable songs for me.  Broadcast radio is old and outdated and the system needs to be revamped.  What the broadcast radio producers should do is to research market trends and attract new music from the musicians themselves.  This is what Pandora does.  This allows them to get new music as it is produced.  Despite the cost factor in acquiring new music, the broadcast radio industry would greatly benefit from this acquisition.  This would boost the industry in popularity among the young adult population.  Also, if they reduced commercials to say, next-to-none, more people would be inclined to turn the radio on.

Chapter 4 Homework

(I could not do #1 as we did not go on a tour)

Journalists are referred to as watch dogs.  Actual watch dogs are constantly around, they see and hear everything.  To make the analogy from a watch dog to a journalist is accurate.  Not all journalists are watch dogs.  Only a small portion of journalists are considered watch dogs.  That portion is known as investigative journalists.  It is their job to sniff around for stories, and then to investigate them to the fullest.  The profession took off in the 1960’s and 1970’s because of scandals such as the Watergate Scandal with President Richard Nixon, and the protests of the Vietnam War.  Young journalism students cherished the chance at being in the spotlight.  When investigative journalists correctly behave like watch dogs, big things can happen.  Such is the instance with “Stock Option Abuses” written about executives in the stock industry.  After the publication of this article, more than sixty executives found themselves under investigation.  Another man by the name of Dan Rather was hired by the CBS News company.  Conservative bloggers found him to be lying in articles he was publishing about George Bush and his time serving in the Air National Guard.  Upon this discovery, the article was pulled and Dan Rather decided early retirement was his best option.  This example demonstrated that blogs are the new watch dogs, which signifies the switch from print media to digital media.  It also shows how more people looking to emerge themselves in politics are looking more and more to the blogs online.

I learn about current events online.  I usually find out about things that are on the news through twitter.  It might sound stereotypical that a teenage girl would find out about current events through social media, but I have a lot of friends scattered all over.  I have friends back home that tweet headlines from there.  Few people outside of New England care but, beloved Mayor Tom Menino of Boston passed away October 30th.  I found out through twitter, from a friend who attends Emerson College in Boston.  I found out about the Boston Marathon bombings a few years ago through twitter.  I had friends that either had family or friends running the race who tweeted it, so I found out sitting in class that day.  I hear a lot about political news and such through my friends that either major in political science at Saint Anselm College in New Hampshire or Saint Lawrence University upstate, or I hear from my friends attending school in Washington, D.C.  There is almost no need for me to look elsewhere.  I do still have the app for my home news source, WMUR as well as it tabbed on my browser.  I usually only check it in the winter to see if my younger brother and younger sister had school that day.  Although, my brother usually tweets it, if he wakes up.  Twitter is not exactly a news source, but it gets the job done.  Other than that, I use my weather app and that is how I get my news.

Chapter 9

Although they credit John Vincent Atanasoff with the invention of the electronic computer, Alan Turing for the cracking of Nazi codes, Bob Metcalfe for the Ethernet, Bill Gates for the personnel computer, Steve Jobs for the Apple II, and Jon Postel for naming and numbering addresses on the Internet, it was Tim Berners-Lee of the CERN laboratory in Switzerland in 1991, that we credit with the invention of writing the hypertext markup language, or HTML, and the first web browser to solve the problem of transporting text documents across different computer systems.  By doing this, he created the internet we all know, love, hate, and are addicted to today.  He could not have achieved this without the help of all the previously listed people.  The internet is an extremely complex thing.  Tim Berners-Lee created the most basic version of the internet that we have today.  Today the internet is huge.  No one quite understands the whole thing, especially the Cloud.  Tim Berners-Lee took the program “Gopher” that programmers at the University of Minnesota had created (and comically named after their school mascot), which brought hypertext online but did not have many capabilities outside of linking text files.  Anyway, he took the program and enhanced it, creating the internet.  Tim Berners-Lee created what would both aid and hurt students across the globe.  The basis of the World-Wide Web has enabled easy research, but more distractions as a result.  From social media, to online shopping, to video games the internet is an amazing creation.

The best way to govern the internet in the future is a complicated question.  Some people say that we should scan finger prints to allow access into bank accounts.  I think that is a very good idea.  I think that we should distribute a password to everyone over the age of 16.  I think the internet should be restricted to ages sixteen and up as much of the content is not appropriate for the younger ages.  If everyone got their own password, it could be their driver’s license identification number or something of that nature.  This would allow us to see who is posting what and when.  I also am in favor of the government monitoring people’s searches and such.  I believe this is a positive for both homeland security and I believe it could help eliminate things such as child pornography distribution, especially if everything you posted was attached to your name.  People may think twice about everything that they post which would teach them internet etiquette and would prevent scandals.  Obviously, this is a utopian idea and some people would still post such things, but the number of people doing it would dwindle and it would be easier to catch predators.  I think this would also aid in the elimination of cyber bullying. If the government had the technology to filter through posts for bullying, we could catch more bullies and potentially cut back on suicides.  This technology is very advanced but not out of the realm of what we could formulate in the next few years.

The Vidzor Experience

Today at the New York Film Festival I met James Healey.  He sat next to me during the presentation and when the audience was asked who was a director, writer, or an audience member of film, his hand stayed up for all three. He is a student at the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan where he also resides.  It was really interesting to meet a peer who is already involved in their career despite only being in their third year of school.  We are currently Facebook friends so all in all, I would consider today’s Networking project to be successful!

“Understanding YOUR Mission”

1. The Who: I will be the Interviewer. People who would be interested in my results: Market Researchers, companies, customer service.  My competition will be other market researchers.

2. The Where & What: My project will give people a voice and offer insight to the market.

3.  The How: I can ask the interviewees about their thoughts but I can try to get positive feedback.

4.  The Why: To educate people on what sales is really about. It means an educated public.  I promise to hear all their answers by listening.

5. For The World:  I am giving the other-wise voiceless a voice.  This will make people feel more important and valuable.

6.  For the Future:  I will assist in educating people that not all people involved in sales are scum.  By doing so, the profession will be held in higher esteem by those people, whom I hope correct others down the line.

People With My Potential Career

1.)  Lori Norgrove, International Sales Executive, Valassis, <;

2.)  Will Diaz, International Sales Executive, LATAM & the Caribbean at Rackspace, <;

3.) Jorge Rossi Jr., Executive Director of International Sales, Equinox Telegram, <,G,CC&gt;

Homework Ch 7

Film has evolved so much so fast it is almost impossible to predict anything about it.  If you look at the history of film it has helped Americans get through the Great Depression by offering an outlet to daily life.  Movies went from being short silent segments in a box to Imax theaters in a matter of 120 or so years.  This progress is incredible.  So to say how movies will develop as they interact and converge with parts of the internet is very hard to predict.  If anything, I think it will only increase people’s exposure to movies.  Being able to buy them or rent them on iTunes and therefore having 24 hour access is a huge milestone.  I think this will add even more money to the film industry which will allow for more technological advances in the field.  This industry continues to grow at such a fast rate, the addition of the internet, as well as the increasing access to the internet is going to boost revenue into the industry.  I think it will also boost piracy.  People will continue to bootleg films to avoid paying iTunes for them.  This will have to be monitored and will obvious deprive some of the profits that would otherwise go to the films, but I don’t think it will devastatingly affect it.

We watched how film transformed and all the stages it went through.  We now know that every brand represented in a movie did not get there on accident.  Any brand in  a movie paid disgusting amounts of money to get there.  Everything in a film is strategically placed.  Video games are following suit.  Video game designers are growing in number.  The field is becoming bigger and bigger.  It is attracting more people and that is because there is money to be made.  The same reason the film industry attracts people,  the video game industry attracts people, the money.  If the game is really popular, same as if a film is really popular, it will make money.  It can include brands and receive extra money that way.  Video games used to be small like Pac Man, and movies used to be small and basic like silent films.  Now both are growing at intriguing rates.  Even now video games are hugely popular.  I would expect this popularity to keep growing as the technology keeps advancing.  The technology for some of these video games is already incredible, such as the Wii, same as movies are incredible such as the introduction of 3-D.  It is also crazy to look at our culture who can’t seem to get enough of it.  Technology is where all the money is, there are even video games and movies on cell phones now which has only boosted revenue into the video game industry and increased access to them on the go.

The first technology that has improved story telling on film would be sound.  It is a very old technology, but arguably the most important.  The music, the background noise, voices, tones, everything contributes to the mood of the story.  Without sound one is left to interpret the characters’ actions for themselves.  This is something we have not been required to do in many decades, but if you’ve ever tried to watch a movie when someone puts it on mute, it is nearly impossible to follow.  Next would be color.  I have a lot of trouble watching black and white movies because they just look uninteresting.  Why watch anything in black and white when you can have the rainbow.  Colors grab focus more, where lack there of simply is not eye catching.  When I think black and white I think cut and dry, I think of textbooks and newspapers.  I do not think of anything of interest.  It is very hard to tell a story when your audience is not entertained or focused.  This is the same reason ads use a lot of color.  It attracts your eyes and holds them there.  Lastly is special effects.  I hear a lot of people talk about how “Oh that movie had crazy special effects!” The movie could suck but have good special effects and people would still go see it.  If “King Kong” had terrible special effects no one would watch it because a plot about a giant gorilla, that did not move, terrorizing people is uninteresting.